Measured and Immeasurablity Part II

I'm back with more thoughts on this vast topic! As discussed in Measured and Immeasurability Part I, birth, death, and human life may be measured in many ways. The paradox is that ultimately, all are immeasurable. Even stillborn children or babies who live only a few hours, days, months, or years, have a lifetime of … Continue reading Measured and Immeasurablity Part II

Measured and Immeasurability Part I

Welcome back to Bower Corner. My last few weeks have been quite an emotional ride, which has led me to think a lot about the dichotomy of living in a world, or even universe, of precise measured-ness (if that is a word), and immeasurable-ness, which would be too large, extensive, or extreme to measure. One … Continue reading Measured and Immeasurability Part I