Measured and Immeasurability Part I

Welcome back to Bower Corner. My last few weeks have been quite an emotional ride, which has led me to think a lot about the dichotomy of living in a world, or even universe, of precise measured-ness (if that is a word), and immeasurable-ness, which would be too large, extensive, or extreme to measure. One … Continue reading Measured and Immeasurability Part I

Wyoming State Fair’s Living Legacy

  Wyoming State Fair series Part III For some reason my competitive spirit didn’t die when I aged out of 4-H. I still enter knitted and crocheted work in the open class needlework department. It seems to call my name annually. Some years I scour our back yard for horticulture entries too. It’s fun to … Continue reading Wyoming State Fair’s Living Legacy

Blast to the Past — Wyoming State Fairs

Part II of Wyoming State Fair Series My husband and I both grew up in Douglas and have many memories of our last days of summer being spent at the fair. What a gathering place it was … and is! I still have a state fair scar on my left knee. The carnival ride injury … Continue reading Blast to the Past — Wyoming State Fairs

Heading to State Fair

Howdy again As the Wyoming State Fair begins this week in Douglas, I’m planning my schedule to spend a couple of evenings there. I can’t resist Dad’s and Mal’s amazing fair cuisine at Jackalope Catering. Then we will mosey to the exhibit halls where I will be relishing the creativity of 4-H youth and open … Continue reading Heading to State Fair

Bower Corner’s Birthday Launch

August 9, 2018 Welcome to Bower Corner! I launch this blog on my birthday, excited about a new beginning. People are one of my favorite passions. We’ve entertained guests in our home for over 34 years. I've enjoyed six years of writing columns and blogging seems the next natural step to sharing and caring as … Continue reading Bower Corner’s Birthday Launch